Kent, Pam, and a few select friends, explore and expose the wildlife that they come into contact with; hopefully, helping other like minded folks enjoy the environment around them.
Looks like one of our resident hawks took down a pigeon this morning. I certainly do not begrudge them that. I'm just happy to know that it was an extremely well fed pigeon! :)
Will the Gulf Oil Spill Affect Birds That Nest in Our Backyards?
NestWatch Needs Your Help
We've seen images of oiled pelicans, plovers, and other shorebirds and wading birds from areas affected by the recent spill. Species that nest on beaches and in coastal marshes, like plovers and terns, are being monitored by state wildlife officials. But many birds that nest in backyards all across North America, such as Red-winged Blackbirds and Tree Swallows, may winter in the coastal and marsh environments along the Gulf of Mexico where they could potentially be affected by the oil spill. We need your help to track nesting success of these birds in your own backyard and neighborhood.
Call for Data:
Birds passing through the Gulf region could carry contamination with them, creating an "oil shadow" of declines in bird reproduction hundreds of miles away from the coast. We need data for these key backyard bird species, all of which use the Gulf during some part of their annual cycle and could potentially be affected by the oil spill.
Click on the species name for additional life history information.
This year's nesting season is already in full swing; it is critical to collect nesting data for these species this year and in the years ahead. Follow the NestWatch Code of Conduct and Nest Monitoring Protocol to help us track nesting success of these key backyard bird populations that may be affected by the Gulf oil spill.
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And his sibling was adjacent to the box on a branch!! VERY BRAVE!! Look at the Carolina Wren in the forground of this picture -- talk about brave! She does not want this mean ol owl anywhere near her nest site.
So, here they are. Ready to hit the big wide world. Hard to believe that they have completed their nesting already. This year is already flying by.....