OMG! I am sitting here at the foot of my bed and this is what I am seeing when I look out the window:

These little guys are a full 8 days earlier than
last year. Generally, we look to Mother's Day for our Barred Owls to fledge... but the wonderful weather has allowed Mom and Dad to be able to provide very well for these chicks. We have seen them taking in LOTS of Chipmunks - and that is perfectly fine with us!
They actually hunt in our birdfeeding area - they are afterall birds. :)

They sit in this one tree and then off they go up the hill to catch some food for their babies.

Two days ago this is all I could see:

One little Owl peeking at me from the safety of his ~up to this point~
world. Occasionally, I would see some fluttering in the background or another little rounded head jumping up behind him... but for the most part - just the top of his head and eyes.
This morning there was a new surprise when I woke up. Little Owlett almost all the way out of the box:
And his sibling was adjacent to the box on a branch!! VERY BRAVE!! Look at the Carolina Wren in the forground of this picture -- talk about brave! She does not want this mean ol owl anywhere near her nest site.
So, here they are. Ready to hit the big wide world. Hard to believe that they have completed their nesting already. This year is already flying by.....